Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First Entry...Like, Ever.

Golly. Here I am. It's almost 3:am here in Columbus, Ohio. More than before, that means it's almost time to read myself to sleep. Or review and recite the lines I'm still learning for a play that opens on April 10th.

Blog or not, this entry is gonna be short. Wednesday (today) I take ye old hour-and-a-half long bus trip to Gahanna, then sit in a MacDonalds for another 40 minutes or so, waiting for rehearsal at 7:30pm. I'm not only used to it now, I've actually structured the time somewhat, and grown somewhat accustomed to the drill. Still, it's a lot of time to do not much but read and drink coffee.

I'm calling this blog 'Not Entirely There' because I'm pretty sure I'm not quite really entirely here anymore. I remember being entirely here in my pre-thirties. Now...not so much. I guess (and have been told) the post-fifties are a time of adjusting to not being entirely here and learning to enjoy it. Paul Simon had it right in his lyrics, "the nearer your destination, the more you're slip-sliding away."

But fret not, fellow soon-to-be not entirely here either-ers! All is well. As far as I know.

And what do I know?



TCGLASS said...

Nice, I'm never entirely anywhere. I will visit from time to time. See mine @

VPI said...

how ingeniously RICH ! please call me 614-893-6611, this is your former neighbor at milo. look me up on Facebook : Parks Curtis